Have you hit bottom?

Not yet, but uncomfortably close?

Let's lift your confidence & get your family thriving!

I know raising kids is hard work.

If you’re anything like the parents I meet, you’re exhausted, frustrated, self-critical, and thinking you’re alone. Not to burst your bubble or anything… You ARE unique. But you’re in good company with your parenting struggles!

You’re working hard to raise good kids, keep the household running, maintain your own identity, and the juggling act has worn you out. It feels like everything and everyone is getting short changed, and you feel like no one is seeing your best self.

If your relationship with your kids is tense now, what's going to happen when the teen years hit? Ok. Don't go there yet.

Let's conquer the here and now.

You’re overwhelmed, impatient, and after having tried "everything," seriously worried that something's wrong. You wonder if it's something you're doing, but you don't know what else to try. 

Listen. I want you to know that your little one is just fine. Struggling, yes. But good through and through.

And there’s lots we can do to start seeing more of that sweetness!

I know it doesn’t seem like it should be so hard, but the reality is that having kids changed your life in ways you couldn’t possibly have imagined, and there are very few societies that support parents well. Know of any?

Perhaps you’re struggling with:

• a child who is aggressive, fearful, or who has lots of big, loud feelings

• a child who doesn’t take direction well

• a child who takes up all the air time in the family (at the expense of his siblings)

• a child who’s struggling in the classroom

• bedtime and sleep issues (and, therefore, your own sleep deprivation)

• kids who “don’t like each other” or aren’t getting along

• a child who is shy or has lots of fears

Or maybe your challenges are:

• an identity crisis (Do you even remember who you were before kids?)

• your partner not being on the same parenting page (Honestly, that’s the truth for most of us.)

• not knowing when to set limits or how

• yelling  (You’re doing way too much of it, and embarrassed by what the neighbors must think.)

• time-outs, star charts, and consequences  (They’re not working and you hate giving them anyway, but you’re at wits end and just don’t know what else to do!)

And from time to time – or perhaps daily – you contemplate how you went from an engaged and engaging independent person to family CEO at a salary of $0, or a 60-hour-a-week groundhog, or a part-time business person/full-time parent.

You’re smart. You’re a hard worker. Where did things go wrong? How does everyone else keep it all together? (You know deep down they don’t, but that feeling can kill you, can’t it!)

What if you woke up 6 weeks from now feeling confident and proud of your parenting?

What if others marveled at how relaxed and happy you are with your kids?

What if for each parenting challenge you faced, you had several solutions pop into your head, and you actually had the where with all to implement them?

What if you knew what to do when your child insisted on a 25th bedtime story, demanded to eat only off the blue plate, hit his brother or sister, called you a butt head (keeping in Rated G here), or refused to go into music class?

What if when you were feeling depleted, you knew how to feed your soul?

What if you had an ally (that’s me!) who would meet you right where you’re struggling, withhold all judgment, and work with you to create your own personal roadmap to get your family from where you are to where you want to be?

These things are true for me, and I have created my coaching program so that all these things will be true for you too!

In order to build and maintain strong positive relationships with your boys, you need to be caring well for yourself, connecting positively with your boys on a regular basis, and you need strategies and tools to implement when those challenging parenting moments arise. I’ll cover it all!

Let me hold your hand for 6 weeks, and I’ll teach you how to handle those rip-out-your-hair parenting moments, better than any system of punishment and rewards ever will. And I’ll get you back into good parenting shape too!

The future holds much beauty and goodness. I hope you’ll join me on this journey to more joy, play, laughter and ease in your family and more peace in the world.

Email me to set up a FREE 20-MINUTE CONSULT. You'll feel much better! [email protected]

What parents say...

“The biggest change has been in me and how I see my son now as a sweet little boy who needs to feel connected instead of being my 'problem I didn't know how to deal with'.”

Marta, UKMarta, UK

“My son is now sleeping through the night! It has been an amazing experience!”

Chrissy, USAChrissy, USA

“I have read lots of books and worked with several therapists, both with my son and on my own and I can honestly say that working with Tosha was more impactful than all of these combined. Best parenting help I've ever received. I'm grateful.”

Mom, USAMom, USA

“(This is) my best experience of motherhood and family ever!! Thank you for supporting me and us so unconditionally!! You are like a bridge between overwhelmed old parenting and confident new connected parenting!”

Mom, CanadaMom, Canada
